Tensor View: Weektron app as a realized vision

Weektron app

Tensor View is a successful startup made up of enthusiastic engineers, programmers and IT professionals, known for creating unique solutions in the global digital services market over the years.

Since its inception, Tensor View team of professionals have shared vision that every creative idea has its value. And that it is possible, with dedicated action, to make ideas gain wings.

What makes Tensor View recognizable today are the products created in a sophisticated way, and whose production required detailed research. The team of this startup strives to find practical solutions that make business easier, making small revolutions in service management.


If you want to try Weektron revolutionary management software, choose one of the offered pricing plans. Become one of the many satisfied companies that use this extraordinary solution and digitalize your business in a supreme way.

You’ll be amazed of how simple and efficient Weektron is. We guarantee that your customers will be satisfied, as well!

Weektron not only reduces the possibility of errors that usual happen when business is not digitalized or managed properly. It literally makes life easier and simpler. You surely know very well how much work there is when dealing with appointments and when you need to provide the best communication in the best timing.

Smart and very affordable management software is the best solution to this problem!


Weektron interface allows you to book appointment in real time. Permissions system uses machine learning software so that depending on your request and suggestion a new appointment is made. After that, system remember users experience and automatically offers you preferred appointments. Each time you create or edit your profile or request, an update is made.

When the process of booking/reserving appointment is finished, you don’t need to wait for the any service permission, since everything is automatically calculated and allowed. Weektron smart algorithm simultaneously manages the schedule and calculates the best option for the client.

Everything that is ones booked – stays in the system. But if, for example, client chooses to cancel, this new term will be automatically offered to other clients that might be interested.

You will be able to outstandingly manage your clients schedule regardless of what business you run. Weektron machine learning algorithm, with above mentioned real time characteristics, makes the entire process simple and flexible.

Don’t hesitate! Use Weektron Appointment App by Tensor View, to easily organized your schedule. Its simple, flexible, and predictable!

Choose which package is best suited for you.